


2024年09月05日 07:17來源:杭州高倫制冷設備有限公司 >>進入該公司展臺人氣:61

We know that the compressor compressor running without oil, the damage to its own can not be reversed. This rule is also applicable to the scroll compressor. In this paper, we will take Valley wheel ZB38KQ-TFD-558 as an example to explain. First of all, the scroll compressor internal oil long time will lead to overheating mechanism and the side friction, sintering, lead to bearing axle; even for a short time lack of oil can also cause the friction mechanism and lead to abnormal wear, vibration, noise.
Take the wheel ZB38KQ-TFD-558 as an example, the circulation volume is about 330kg/h under the ARI condition, and the compressor will discharge a little refrigerator oil when the refrigerant is discharged. Even if only 0.5% of the oil rate, if the oil can not return to the machine through the system cycle, then in 50 minutes you can bring all the oil out of the compressor, in about 2~5 hours, the compressor will burn out.
預防方法: 1、確保排出壓縮機的冷凍機油回到壓機內;2、減少壓機的上油率。(壓機頻繁啟動不利于回油。)
Preventive measures: 1. Ensure that the refrigerator oil of the compressor is returned to the press; 2, reduce the oil rate of the compressor. (press starts frequently, which is bad for oil return)

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