產品特點Features: ●採用單馬達雙溫泵,可提供兩組不同的溫度控制,節省電能與空間. ●This type can provide two different temp. for ulation controller. ●採用土耳其製『CIRO』意大利製『MERI』馬達,提供高壓力,減少溫差,節省電能。 ●Adopting "CIRO" motor from Italy, ensuring high pressure, providing temperature error reducing and saving power. ●日本『OMRON』溫控器,觸摸式數字顯示微電腦雙組P.I.D,精確控制在±1℃內. ●Originally Japanese made "OMRON" temperature controller, P.I.D control and digital touch pad. Also it”s high precision±1℃ ●採用日本[FUJI]、[OMRON]、意大利[ODE]、[OR]. ●Electric parts use[FUJI]、[OMRON]、[ODE]、[OR] ●專利分離式控制箱設計,*斷絕水氣、油氣、熱量侵入,延長電氣零件壽命. ●Separay controlled box patently designed. Insulates the invading of moisture and thermal energy, thus extending time span of electricity parts. ●連鎖防錯電路及實用故障指示,完整保護模溫機穩定工作,維修保養無需專業人員. ●Chained anti-mistaken circuit and realistically malfunctioned instruction, entire protection of mold temperature controller en-sure the steady working conditions. ●採用304不銹鋼一體成型無縫管,減少管阻及鏽垢. ●316 stainless steel integrated pipelines for less pipe resistance and rust.