Introduction of Working Principle and Scope of Application
The working principle and method of the rapid drying hot air circulating oven with a large air flow are generally the same as those of the standard hot air circulating oven. The difference lies in that the circulating fan of the hot air circulating oven with a large air flow applies centrifugal fan with a large air flow and high pressure head, aiming at increasing heat transfer and intensifying drying effects, thus to achieve the purpose of rapid dehydration and drying at low temperature. It is particularly applicable to the materials with special requirements, e.g. large batches of materials requiring rapid dehydration and low-temperature drying. The equipment adopts the way of production of intermittent drying in batches. It is widely applied to the rapid drying of fruits, delicacies, vegetables, medicines, biological products, etc. with a high content of sugar.
1.The centrifugal fan drives the hot air for efficient circulation in oven. The drying intensity is large and the heat efficiency is high.
2.The oven is set with an air distributing device, which can achieve forced laminar flow ventilation. The temperature in the oven is even and the materials are uniformly dry.
3.The oven is subject to automatic temperature control and is easy to install and repair.
4.In low temperature, it can complete rapid draying, thus effectively protecting the active ingredients of the dried products.
5.It is particularly applicable to the materials with special requirements, e.g. large batches of materials requiring rapid dehydration and low-temperature drying.
Technical parameters (the values in the table below are for reference in type selection only)
四、外形簡圖Dimension sketch
大風量快速烘干熱風循環烘箱Rapid Drying Hot Air circulating oven with a Large Air Flow大風量烘箱
參考價 | 面議 |
- 公司名稱四川川大干燥科技工程有限責任公司
- 品 牌
- 型 號
- 所 在 地成都市
- 廠商性質其他
- 更新時間2023/7/27 9:28:18
- 訪問次數296
四川川大干燥科技工程有限責任公司(簡稱:川大干燥)是于2001年成立的一家集技術研發、技術轉讓、裝備制造加工的企業。川大干燥行政管理與設計研發部門設在四川大學科技創新中心大樓內;生產和試驗科研基地位于成都羊安鎮工業園區內,并獨自建設有加工制造中心與產品測試展演中心。公司從建立之初即著力科技研發,重心即著力醫藥、食品等方面的工藝技術研究與*裝備的研制上。公司具有門類學科齊全的專業研發隊伍,所研發的產品品質優良、性能可靠、外形美觀;經過近三十年的產業技術研究、產品技術研制、產出技術研驗,已具有獨立自主知識產權的工藝及配方生產技術三項;固體制劑系列裝備已研制有十二類近兩百種不同規格。而今川大干燥嚴格按照新版GMP精心研制的制藥與食品裝備無論是在技術性能上,還是在性價比上都處于同行前列。現“川大干燥”的產品與服務無論在中國還是在世界各國的制藥、食品、保健品、動物藥業等行業以及其它行業均享有盛譽,已經形成特色與影響力的品牌。川大干燥除了在制藥與食品等行業提供良好技術服務與優良產品以外,川大干燥還擁有包括工業粉塵凈化回收技術與系統工程裝備研制技術、大氣凈化環保工程裝備與家用PM2.5凈化器等系列產品技術。川大干燥向提供的優良裝備產品有:各種烘干設備、各種造粒設備、各種混料設備、各種粉碎設備、各種篩分設備、各種滅菌設備、各種濃縮提取設備、各種環保設備等等。川大干燥向提供*的具有自主知識產權的工藝及裝備總包的項目有:l 雞精調味料工藝技術、工藝配方生產技術,雞精調味料全套生產線。l 高品位高純度三偏磷酸鈉工藝生產技術以及生產線(川大干燥起草的三偏磷酸鈉國家標準已于2015年3月正式公布實施)。l 鮮榨提取制取方便型老姜湯沖劑工藝技術以及全套生產線等等。
大風量快速烘干熱風循環烘箱Rapid Drying Hot Air circulating oven with a Large Air Flow大風量烘箱 產品信息
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