XRW-300MA型熱變形、維卡軟化點測定儀運用PLC可編程控制器進行溫度調節采用漢字液晶顯示操作。該產品操作簡單、使用方便、性能穩定、產品精度高,并在試驗過程中可時實監控試驗溫度和變形量;試驗結束時系統自動停止加熱,該機可設定目標溫度具有溫度保護功能。該機是各質檢單位、大專院校和各企業自檢的*儀器。 該機主要用于非金屬材料如塑料、橡膠、 尼龍、電絕緣材料等的熱變形溫度及維卡軟化點溫度的測定。產品符合IS075(E)、IS0306(E)、GB/T8802、GB/T1633、GB/T1634等標準要求。 主要技術參數: 溫度控制范圍:環境溫度—300℃ 升溫速率:(120±10)℃/h (12±1)℃/6min (50±5)℃/h (5±0.5)℃/6min 溫度示值誤差:0.1℃ 溫度控制精度:±0.5℃ zui大形變示值誤差:±0.01mm, 變形測量范圍:0—1.5mm 試樣架個數:3個 負載桿及托盤質量:68g 加熱介質:甲基硅油(運動粘度一般選擇200厘斯)或變壓器油 冷卻方式:150以上自然冷卻,150以下水冷或自然冷卻。 加熱功率:4kw 儀器尺寸:528mm×545mm×37mm |
XRW-300MA type thermal deformation, VEKA softening point tester using PLC programmable controller for temperature adjustment with Chinese character LCD operation. The product is simple, easy to use, stable performance, high accuracy, and can be used to monitor the temperature and deformation during the test. The system automatically stops heating at the end of the test. The machine can set the target temperature with the temperature protection function. The machine is the essential equipment of the quality inspection unit, the tertiary institution and the enterprise self check.
The machine is mainly used for the thermal deformation temperature of non-metallic materials such as plastic, rubber, nylon, electrical insulation materials and the determination of the temperature of the VEKA softening point. Products comply with IS075 (E), IS0306 (E), GB/T8802, GB / T1633, GB / T1634 and other standards.